Motion Graphics

Motion graphics combine the languages of film, animation and graphic design. Combining different creative elements like typography, illustration, logos, shapes and video. They are then animated or moved in a way that tells a story.

Discussion topic:
Find one motion graphics that impressed or influenced you. Describe your reason for choosing it and why it is significant.

+ Screening
7 Rules for Making More Happiness(09:27)
David Carson on Design and discovery(22:30)
Special Interview – Ash Thorp(10:52)
Danny Yount | The Art of the Title Sequence(31:20)

+ Reading
What is Motion Graphics?
Motion graphics vs. animation: what’s the difference?

Additional Resources
Evolution of Motion Design | Ming Tai | TEDxCPP
The Motionographer Story | from LinkedIn
Justin Cone: The Future of Motion Design
What are motion graphics? from NewLogics on Vimeo.
The future of motion graphics