Participation: Discussion in Microsoft Team 20%
Weekly updates: Screening and reading review in Microsoft Team 20%
Process of final project or final research paper in Microsoft Team 20%
Final Project(Research paper or Creative Project) 40%
1. Screening and reading review: Write 1 page of review and submit in Microsoft Team
2. Project or Paper Progress: Weekly updates are required. ***leave your comments on all classmates’ progress
3. Discussion in Microsoft Team ***leave your comments at least 3 classmates’ comments.
4. Final: There will be 2 types of finals(Creative Project or Research Paper). You can choose either one.
Creative project
: It could be a digital film, digital imaging/illustration, motion graphics, animation or interactive(app prototype, web prototype, game prototype, or any type of digital media prototype) work.
Weekly update requirement
: week1: Idea development, Inspirations, resources
: week2: Description, Storyboard, Sketches, Style Frames
: week3: Process 1
: week4: Process 2
: week5: Final Project
Research project
: Choose a new media/technology topic and write a paper. (about 1500 words)
Weekly update requirement
: week1: Research sources/Inspiration
: week2: Abstract
: week3: Process 1
: week4: Process 2
: week5: Final Project
(Minimum 6 pages including pics)
1 Abstract: Summarizing the topic
2 Background/Inspiration: Technological and conceptual
3 Description: Detail structure of the project.
4 Analysis: the Examination of all the problems of a project.
5 Conclusions: Your evaluation / Possible future developments.
6 References: Books, articles, essays, websites about the topic.
Email me at with any questions.